Find out what is newly added, changed, fixed, improved or updated in the latest E2C versions.
Add Messages to admin panel with full functionality including reply to messages.
Default number of results in admin tables to 20 and order by descending primary column.
Carousel 1 Image not displaying on seller homepage.
Phone number validation error in seller checkout.
Redesign and launch v2 of Admin Panel and Admin Demo for sellers.
Added store setup To-Do instructions for new accounts to follow when activating their store.
Duplicate products showing up on seller homepage and related products on product page.
Added stock images to select for banners and carousels while customizing stores.
Added user onboarding flow for new E2C users.
Added mandatory aspect ratio requirement for quality and consistency when customizing store.
Price logic to work with 0 price when adding products.
Price formatting in E2C emails.
Upload size to 5MB for customize store images.
E2C Browse page invalid query type bug.
Disconnecting and reconnecting payment providers bug in settings.
Client revenue and stripe fee calculation errors in Payments.
Warning message errors and required date of birth input field in Account Settings.
Added a View Cart button on seller product pages for quick access to cart.
Added Links to connect with E2C Store through social media.
Added price formatting in seller stores, including exception for INR.
Added dynamic password requirements for new users siging up at Get Started
Seller store require approval to be displayed on E2C's Browse page.
Increase product image upload size to 10MB each.
Default product image when no images attached by seller.
Sellers required to edit product image to required aspect ratio before upload.
Reduce max product price to 100,000.
Auto-reset shipping price to 0 when free shipping selected while adding product shipping.
Image error in forgot password email.
Dashboard link in seller admin panel.
Remove from cart - X button - not working for some users in seller store carts.
Bug that didn't allow 0 product price in E2C admin.
Word wrapping for long text on seller homepage.
Added E2C Blog to learn more about the platform and related information.
Added Social Media feed to stay connected with E2C.
Added ability to include multi-line product descriptions in Add Product.
Seller store requirements to be displaying on E2C Browse page.
Error message formatting in Login and Signup pages.
Make default shipping country to user selected country when signing up for E2C Store.
Users were not able to save any settings in Account Settings.
E2C Demo link not working.
Broken E2C links with 4xx code.
Products with no category not displaying on seller's e-store.
"Countries shipping to" dropdown cutting off and not displaying properly in Account Settings.
Added Copy Link functionality in admin Account Settings.
Added Other option for product condition in Add Product.
Added ability for buyer to leave a note to seller during checkout.
Navbar icons to accomodate in a single row on mobile devices.
E2C demo with latest changes and improvements to platform.
Uploaded product images not displaying in admin.
Error page rerouting issue.
Homepage typing animation causing layout shifts on mobile devices.
Store name and links not updated after changing store name in Account Settings.
Navbar icons and content overflowing out of page in admin on mobile devices.
Navbar guide links in admin not working on mobile devices.
Auto select product visibility to visible when adding new product.
Auto select "Show new products" on home page for new e2c accounts.
E2C Account Next Steps links redirect to respective sections in guides.
Toggle icons throughout admin for better visibility.
Products and Categories guide with more information on product categories.
Redesign Edit About Us for better flow and update team member images UI.
Account Settings with faster page load and easier to update settings.
Checkout bug for sellers with Cash at Pickup enabled.
Socials not displaying in footer of seller e-stores.
INR currency comptability bug with PayPal.
Added Cash at Pickup payment method for sellers to accept cash.
Added pickup and cash order icons in Orders for quick identification.
Added disable pickup action for a product directly from table of Products.
Added new order status Complete to mark orders when complete.
Added Order Status Codes doc.
Added throttle for login, signup, add categories and add products for account security and spam prevention.
Added spam and temporary email validation at Sign Up.
Added minimum password requirements at Sign Up.
Added show password toggle in Log In.
Added Account Next Steps page to guide new users during onboarding.
Activate store upon enabling Cash at Pickup, payment provider no longer required.
Delete category/product action buttons are dynamic, page refresh no longer required.
Setup Guide now includes steps to configure PayPal and Cash at Pickup.
E2C Demo not accessible, loading error.
Loader visible in admin pages when loaded through back button or browser history.
PayPal checkout button not loading when "pickup" selected as shipping method.
Country and State deselected if error in checkout.
Error messages and shipping method buttons not vertically aligned in checkout.
Added auto-generate category code button in Add Category.
Added auto-generate product code button in Add Product.
Optimize E2C homepage for faster desktop loading times.
Redesign Add Product for easier and faster product creation.
Currency errors with PayPal transactions in Payments